Unwind & Recharge

Sink into deep relaxation with my spa services.

Services (For Women ONLY)

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Relaxing Coconut Body Rub

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Facial Mask

Unwind and Rejuvenate

Schedule your relaxing spa experience now and get
July's promotional discount of 13% off on your first booking. Feel all your tensions and worries melt away, as you close your eyes and experience a blissful spa treatment. Choose from the following:

* Short & Sweet Treatment
$30/30 mins
* Sweet Spot Treatment $45/45 mins
* Spa Lovers delight
($65/60 mins: Includes facial mask, and a sleep mask)
Please note:
* All treatments are available as a mobile service at an extra cost. Please do not ask for this service unless you have plenty of room to accommodate a large treatment table.

* All treatments are full body unless otherwise requested due to contraindications (areas that you would like to avoid treatment due to sensitivity/tenderness or pain caused by injury or illness).

* Please remember to disclose any allergies to oils or scents when booking or filling out an online assessment form.